How To Order

+ How to Order? // Bagaimana cara meng-order?

1) Look through the price list - HP, Canon, Brother, EPSON, and USB- then choose the items that you wanted to buy.
2) Contact us to get a price and availability update.
3) Confirm your orders and courier and notify us with your orders.
4) After a price quote has been given, please make a payment.
5) After payment is received and your order is shipped, we will let you know your connotation number for you to check online.
6) Wait for the shipment to arrive.
7) Done!


1) Lihat price list - HPCanonBrotherEPSON, and USB- dan pilih item apa yang ingin dibeli.
2) Kontak kami untuk mendapatkan quota harga dan update stock kami.
3) Konfirmasi order anda dan ekspedisi yang diinginkan dengan meng-kontak kami kembali dengan order anda.
4) Setelah quota harga telah diberikan, silahkan melakukan pembayaran.
5) Setelah pembayaran anda telah kami terima dan kami kirim barang anda, kami akan memberitahukan anda nomor order anda yang bisa di check online.
6) Tunggu order barang anda sampai.
7) Selesai!

Happy Shopping//

Selamat berbelanja,

+Meryl Juans

Phone: (+62) 0821-2702-1556 (SMS ONLY)


Store: (021) 6252007
Fax: 6013024

Meryl J
"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."
–Johann Wolfgang von Goethe